Privacy Policy does not disclose, sell, share, or misuse the email addresses and other personal information of its members and customers with third parties for any reason. does not store your credit card information in any way for your security and therefore does not request such information within the framework of membership details. During the shopping process, no one, including our company employees, can see your credit card information. The relationship between your credit card information and banks is carried out bilaterally with the highest security measures.

You can use your IP address and identification information (cookies) on our site to track your shopping basket and prevent the consecutive appearance of the same ads. Based on identification information, you can also benefit from issues such as content presentation when your interests are asked and storing your password to avoid entering it repeatedly.

Information containing any requests, suggestions, and questions that members and visitors convey to us about the site is stored to measure site performance. This information cannot be used for any purpose other than responding to users.

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