Allergens in the Home

Allergens at Home: Dust Mites

One of the most common allergens in our homes is dust mites. These microscopic organisms found in our homes can impact our health by spreading their feces, which can lead to allergic reactions. Sercair can assist you in combating dust mites with its smart ventilation systems. Here are the advantages provided by Sercair:

Let's take a closer look

Allergens can be categorized as outdoor and indoor allergens. Dust mite (or more precisely, the proteins in its feces) is a primary example of indoor allergens. A dust mite is only about one-fourth to one-third of a millimeter in size, making it too small to be seen with the naked eye but resembling white insects under a microscope. They have eight legs, making them arachnids like spiders, not insects. Dust mites can be found in bedding, carpets, pillows, beddings, or upholstered furniture that serves as their habitat. They produce allergens that can become airborne due to human activities such as cleaning, walking, and making the bed or air currents.

How can I prevent dust mites?

Dust mites thrive at temperatures of 20-25 degrees Celsius. They also prefer humidity levels of 70-80%. Therefore, in most cases, it is best to keep the humidity in your home at around 40-50% using a dehumidifier or air conditioning.

Dust mites are most commonly found in the bedroom. Here are some tips to keep your room free from dust mites and bedbugs:

  • Regularly clean beds with a high-filtration power vacuum cleaner (e.g., HEPA-filtered).
  • Use allergen-impermeable covers (also known as encasements) on mattresses, duvets, and pillows to help protect against dust mites.
  • Wash bedding at 112°F (60°C) to reduce dust mite numbers and dust mite allergen levels.
  • Choose washable rugs and blinds instead of curtains.
  • Move dusty decorations, books, and magazines to a different room.
  • Do not allow children prone to allergic reactions to sleep under bunk beds, as allergens can fall onto them.

Sercair smart ventilation systems reduce allergens in the home with air purification and filtration technologies. They filter particles like dust mite feces, lowering allergen levels in the air. This helps create a healthy indoor environment and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.


Portnoy J et al. Joint Taskforce on Practice Parameters; Practice Parameter Workgroup. Environmental assessment and exposure control of dust mites: a practice parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013.