Cookie Notification

Sercair Technology and Informatics Inc. ('') is working to protect the privacy of our members who use our site to ensure the secure and complete use of our services. In this regard, this Privacy Policy ('Policy') has been prepared to fully comply with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ('Law') and to inform our users in this context.'s cookie policy is an integral part of this Policy.

The purpose of this Policy is to determine the conditions and terms regarding the use of personal data shared by Platform members/visitors/users ('Data Subject') with or generated by during the operation of the website and mobile application (collectively referred to as 'Platform').

Which Data is Processed?

Below are the data processed by and considered as personal data under the law. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the term 'personal data' within the scope of this policy will include the expression and the information listed below.

Identity Information, Contact Information, User Information, User Transaction Information, Transaction Security Information, Financial Information, Marketing Information, Request/Complaint Management Information

In accordance with Articles 3 and 7 of the Personal Data Protection Law, data that has been anonymized in a way that cannot be reversed will not be considered as personal data under the provisions of the said law, and processing activities related to this data will be carried out without being bound by the provisions of this Policy.

Personal Data Processed with the Explicit Consent of Data Subjects and Purposes of Processing

Within the scope of the explicit consent of the Data Subject, may process data for the purpose of tracking the movements of Data Subjects on the Platform, enhancing user experience, creating statistics, profiling, direct marketing and remarketing, creating and transmitting special promotional offers to the Data Subject, and using this data in any kind of advertising and material content, and may share this data with the parties mentioned below.

Transfer of Personal Data may transfer personal data of the Data Subject and new data obtained using this personal data to third parties that benefits from for the provision of services, limited to the purpose of realizing the purposes determined by this Privacy Policy. may share with third parties such as external service providers, hosting service providers, law firms, research companies, call centers, including those sending SMS, in order to improve the Data Subject experience (including improvement and personalization), ensure Data Subject membership, detect fraudulent or unauthorized uses, conduct operational evaluation research, eliminate errors in Platform services, and achieve any of the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

Personal data may be shared with authorized personnel, shareholders, business partners, suppliers, legally authorized public institutions and organizations, and legally authorized private institutions by Sercair Technology and Informatics Inc. in accordance with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, limited to these purposes and within the framework of the procedures and principles indicated in Article 9 of the Law and decisions of the Personal Data Protection Board, may be transferred abroad.

Method and Legal Basis of Personal Data Collection

Personal data is collected through the Platform and electronically for the reasons mentioned above and can be processed and transferred in accordance with the purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698 and in this Privacy Policy.

Rights of the Data Subject

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law, data subjects,- Learn whether personal data about themselves is being processed, request information if their personal data has been processed,- Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are being used for the intended purpose, know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,- Request the correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrect, and request that the transaction made in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,- Request the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring the processing of personal data disappear, even if it has been processed in accordance with the Law and other relevant laws, and request that the transaction made in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,- Have the right to object to the occurrence of a result against the person by exclusively analyzing the processed data through automated systems and request remedy in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

Requests related to the exercise of these rights can be communicated by data subjects to through the methods specified in the Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy prepared by under Law No. 6698, which is available at will respond to such requests within thirty days. reserves the right to charge a fee for these requests according to the fee schedule determined by the Personal Data Protection Board (if any).

Cookie Policy:

As Sercair Technology and Informatics Inc. (''), we work to protect the privacy of individuals who use our site to ensure they benefit from our services securely and comprehensively.

Like most websites, Cookies are used on ('Site') and the mobile application (collectively referred to as the 'Platform') to show personalized content and ads to visitors, perform analytical activities within the site, and track visitor usage habits.

This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the Privacy Policy. has prepared this Cookie Policy ('Policy') to explain which Cookies are used on the Site and how users can manage their preferences in this regard. For more detailed information on the processing of your personal data by, we recommend reviewing the Privacy Policy.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device or network server through browsers by the websites you visit. Cookies are created by servers associated with the website you visit, allowing the server to understand when a visitor returns to the same site.

Cookies do not contain personal data such as the visitor's name, gender, or address. For more detailed information about Cookies, you can visit and

Which Cookies Are Used?

Cookies can be categorized based on their owners, lifetimes, and purposes:

- Depending on the party placing the Cookie, Platform cookies and third-party Cookies are used. Platform cookies are created by SERCAIR.COM, while different companies in collaboration with SERCAIR.COM manage third-party cookies.- Based on their active period, session cookies and persistent cookies are used. Session cookies are deleted when the visitor leaves the Platform, while persistent cookies can remain on visitors' devices for various periods depending on their usage.- Based on their purposes, technical cookies, authentication cookies, targeting/advertising cookies, personalization cookies, and analytical cookies are used on the Platform.

Cookies on the Platform are used for the following purposes:

- Performing basic functions necessary for the operation of the Platform. For example, ensuring that products in the shopping cart of members do not disappear during visits. Eliminating the need for logged-in members to enter their password again when visiting different pages on the Platform.- Analyzing the Platform and improving its performance. For example, integrating different servers on which the Platform operates, detecting the number of visitors to the Platform, and adjusting performance settings accordingly, or facilitating visitors' finding what they are looking for.- Enhancing the functionality of the Platform and providing user convenience. For example, sharing on third-party social media platforms through the Platform, remembering the username or search queries of visitors during their subsequent visits.- Performing personalization, targeting, and advertising activities. For example, showing advertisements related to visitors' areas of interest based on the pages and products they view.

How Can You Manage Your Cookie Preferences? highly values users' ability to manage their preferences regarding their personal data. However, it may not be possible to manage preferences for certain Cookies that are essential for the operation of the Site. Additionally, it is important to note that disabling some Cookies may result in the malfunctioning of various functions of the Site.

Information on how preferences for Cookies used on the Platform can be managed is as follows:

- Visitors can personalize their preferences for Cookies by changing the browser settings they use to view the Platform. If the used browser provides this option, it is possible to change Cookie preferences through browser settings. Depending on the features offered by the browser, data subjects may have options such as preventing the use of Cookies, receiving warnings before using Cookies, or only disabling or deleting certain Cookies. General information can be accessed at, and Cookie preferences may need to be set separately for each device through which the visitor accesses the Platform.- Click here to disable Cookies managed by Google Analytics.- Click here to manage the personalized advertising experience provided by Google.- Preferences for Cookies used in many companies' advertising activities can be managed through Your Online Choices.- Mobile device settings menu can be used to manage Cookies on mobile devices.

What Rights Do You Have?

In accordance with Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, visitors can apply to regarding their personal data and have the right to:

- Learn whether personal data is being processed,- Request information if personal data has been processed,- Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are being used for the intended purpose,- Know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,- Request the correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrect and request that the transaction made in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,- Request the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring the processing of personal data disappear, even if it has been processed in accordance with the Law and other relevant laws, and request that the transaction made in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,- Have the right to object to the occurrence of a result against the person by exclusively analyzing the processed data through automated systems and request remedy in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

These rights, when communicated by data subjects to through the methods specified in the Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy prepared by under Law No. 6698, will be evaluated and concluded within 30 (thirty) days in any case. While there is no fee for such requests, reserves the right to charge a fee according to the fee schedule determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

Consent and Changes in Privacy Policyr aims to provide detailed explanations to users about the scope and purposes of Cookie usage in the Privacy Policy ('Policy') and inform users about Cookie preferences. In this regard, closing the Cookie information warning on the Platform and continuing to use the Site is considered as giving consent to Cookie usage. Users always have the option to change their Cookie preferences. may change the Policy provisions at any time. The updated Policy becomes effective on the date it is published on the Platform.